Goshen Valley Boys Ranch Renovations

Goshen Valley Boys Ranch Renovations

Renovations on the four main homes at Goshen Valley Boys Ranch are complete. 

On August 15, 2022, Greenheart Enterprises began renovations on the four main residences at Goshen Valley Boys Ranch. With the homes aging, it came time for us to give the houses some updates! The majority of this project was funded by Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding. However, thanks to support from the community and a matching gift from Faith Ventures Foundation, the project was completed debt-free. 

The homes received new siding, decks, much-needed kitchen updates, shutters, and more. The boys and the houseparents living in these homes have been immensely impacted by the community support enabling us to complete these updates.

The renovations were officially finished in time for our kids to enjoy their Christmas in the newly updated homes. We are excited for all of the memories and healing that will take place in them in the future. 

Some of you will also remember The James House – the red barn at the top of the hill.

2022 also marked the completion of total renovation of The James House to become a larger space for our Ranch administrative offices.

As we look around the Ranch, we may see the same buildings and the same homes, but the transformation is clear.

It is a constant reminder of growth and blessing that you, our community, surround Goshen with time after time. Thank you for always cheering our kids on and for showing so much love to our houseparents and staff through these new renovations.

Wishing you Peace and Purpose.